Covid-19 Guidance for School Holiday Courses & Saturday Soccer Schools
We are excited to announce the resumption of Saturday Soccer Schools, School Holiday Courses and After School Clubs as of 29th March! We can’t wait to see the players and get started.
As ever, player safety is always at the forefront of everything that we do and so we have put in place strict guidelines to ensure the safety of our Players, Coaches and Parents, adhering to the Government Covid-19 Guidelines. Please read our information below and ensure that both you and your child are aware of our guidelines for a safe return to training.
Prior to Session/Holiday Course
Wash your hands before leaving for training, using soap and water for 20 seconds.
Ensure that your laces have been tied, with help from a parent/guardian if required.
Hand sanitiser will be supplied at the session, or you can bring your own to the session. Please ensure it is used before you start with your group.
Bring your own drinks bottle with you name on it and keep it 2m away from anyone else.
Leave your belongings in your safe zone and do not put them anywhere else.
Please read the player guidance notes and ensure that your child has made preparations for the session.
Please ensure that your child’s shoelaces are tied prior to the session and that they have all personal belongings.
Walk your child to the coach, whilst maintaining social distancing with others. Please ensure that you have communicated to NFFA Staff regarding the session location.
Please arrive/pick up on time when signing in/out your child for their scheduled session, as timings are crucial to ensure social distancing measures can be maintained before, during and after the session.
During the Session/Holiday Course
- Avoid touching any equipment with your hands, including the ball. Remain 2m apart from other players and your Coach.
- When you cough or sneeze, please use the inside of your elbow to cover your mouth. Then ensure you have used hand sanitiser afterwards.
- After using your drinks bottle or any other personal item, please ensure that they return to your safe zone.
- You are not required to be in attendance during the session, although you must ensure you are on time at the pick up. Please ensure that you have your mobile phone on during the course of the session, just incase of an emergency.
After the Session/Holiday Course
Ensure you have collected all of your personal belongings from your safe zone remaining 2m apart from all players and your coach.
Your Coach will commence a visual sign out when collected by your parent/guardian.
Please ensure you go straight home from the end of your session and do not mix with any other children.
Use hand sanitiser after the training session has concluded.
- Please refrain from gathering with other parents/players and maintain social distancing at all times.
- You must be on time when collecting your child at the end of the session to ensure our social distancing are maintained at all times.